Panel approves two applications and rejects a third
The Local Planning Panel has approved two development applications on the Peninsula, while rejecting a third, at its meeting on Thursday, December 19.
It approved a house in Myola Rd and four units in Trafalgar Ave, but refused alterations to a child care centre in Booker Bay.
The Panel approved construction of a house at 24 Myola Rd, Umina, subject to conditions detailed in the Central Coast Council planners' assessment report with three amendments.
"The Panel considered the application, the written submissions, the submissions made at the public meeting and the Council's assessment report," it stated, in giving its reasons.
"The Panel generally concurs with Council's assessment that the development application be approved.
"The Panel noted the community's concern regarding the loss of trees, but acknowledges that the assessment of Council's ecologist is that these are not part of an Endangered Ecological Community; specific trees will be required to be retained and protected during construction; and additional plantings are proposed, as identified in the approved Arboricultural Impact Assessment Report and shown on the Landscape Plan."
The Panel required that "Evidence is to be provided that compliance has been met with the recommendations in Section 5.2, of the approved Bushfire Report, prior to the issue of the construction certificate".
"The on-going bushfire mitigation measures are to maintained in perpetuity, as required in the recommendations in Section 5.1, 5.3, 5.4 of the approved Bushfire Report."
The Panel also approved an application for construction of a four-unit multi-unit development at 140 Trafalgar Ave, Umina.
"The Panel considered the application, the written submissions, the submissions made at the public meeting and the Council's assessment report.
"The Panel generally concurs with Council's assessment that the development application be approved.
"The Panels notes that the proposal was amended during the assessment to improve the layout of the dwellings and reduce the density."
However, the Panel refused an application for alterations and additions to an existing child care centre at 97-99 Booker Bay Rd and 2 Davis St, Booker Bay, despite a recommendation for conditional approval by council planners.
The Panel gave 18 detailed reasons for refusal.
These included "failure to adequately address cumulative impacts" of the expanded centre, the need to "re-cast" the development application, a considerable shortfall in on-site parking, visual impacts of fencing, non-compliant side and rear setbacks, an inadequate plan of management, and lack of detail in the landscape plan.
"The Panel supports the provision of additional child care centre places, as it is understood that there is a significant need for the facility in the Booker Bay locality.
"However, the Panel is of the view that the proposal is an overdevelopment of the site, and provides inadequate drawings, supporting information and consideration of the impacts of the intensified centre as a whole, and cannot be supported in its current form.
"This is particularly in light of the impacts on the amenity of the adjoining neighbours."
Local Planning Panel minutes 3.2, 3.3 and 3.5, 19 Dec 2024