New 'household' on display at aged care home
A Woy Woy aged care home has held an "open house" to display its new "household model" of aged care.
The event was held at Blue Wave Living last Monday, November 6, to show people through its first new fully-completed household, named Aqua House, as part of its redevelopment works.
"It is going through the final sign-offs for approval for occupation," said chief executive Mr Matt Downie.
"It is now at practical completion and fully furnished, ready to go for residents to move into very soon."
Blue Wave Living will have a number of households as well as a new central "Clubhouse" to be developed in as a large activities space, which will be built as part of Stage Two works.
"It will look and feel somewhat like a local club," said Mr Downie.
"This space will become a much larger area than the central space is currently, and play host to large activities and events.
"However, it will be available for use by family and residents at any time.
"It will include smaller areas, such a fireplace lounge area, a private cinema space, and sitting spaces.
"It will also open up onto the central courtyards on either side, and a new dedicated barbecue space will be constructed on the eastern side courtyard."
Mr Downie said a second household would be completed by the middle of next year.
A third one would be completed early in 2025 as part of Stage Two works.
"Stage Two works are still in final planning stage.
"We hope to kick off works in February ideally, subject to being able to achieve some timelines with planning, council approval and builders."
He said Stage Two would be undertaken in two steps.
"We will be completing the internal rebuild one of the southern wings of The Shores wings at a time.
"Initially, residents in the existing south east wing (rooms 20 to 29) will be the first existing residents to move into newly-built rooms elsewhere.
"We will then undertake a complete internal rebuild of those rooms.
"Once this stage is complete, residents in the south west wing (rooms 31 to 43) will be moved into newly-completed rooms."
Mr Downie said the final part of the second stage would see the joining of the two buildings, and a rebuild of the Palm Sails central courtyard space.
"We are aware this will be disruptive at times.
"However, the end goal will be the creation of some wonderful new households and spaces for our elders in care to enjoy."
Mr Downie said: "Our new Chapel building is now complete, accessed off our Carinya wing.
"This is a lovely relaxing private space residents and families can enjoy."
Newsletter, 1 Nov 2023.
Matt Downie, Blue Wave Living