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Collapse Issue 611:<br />28 Jan 2025<br />_____________Issue 611:
28 Jan 2025
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Dwelling design claims 'small scale conception'

The design of a new dwelling and secondary dwelling proposed for 6 Ferry Rd, Ettalong, has taken into account "a small scale conception of the local area", according to a development application lodged with Central Coast Council.

The principal dwelling would be a new three-bedroom, two-storey house and a double garage at the rear of the property, with planted roof, kayak storage and office space included.

"By providing two off street car parks, two permanently parked cars will be taken off the road in the vicinity of the ferry wharf, and there will be more available space for short term drop-offs to the wharf".

The secondary dwelling is proposed to consist of a two-storey granny flat of 65.6 square metres, greater than the planning provision maximum of 60 square metres.

"The variation sought is for an additional 5.6 square metres," the application states.

"This additional area is below 10 per cent of the regulation and will have negligible effect on the amenity of the neighbourhood or the environment while allowing an additional nook 5.6 square metre nook in the bedroom for a desk to be incorporated."

The allotment is zoned R1 General Residential and is on a flat block.

It is located 100 metres from the Ettalong Ferry wharf and close to public transport facilities.

The area of the site is 486.9 square metres.

It has a 12 metre frontage to Ferry Rd to the West and is bounded by a 45.54m long sealed laneway to the south, and another lane at the rear.

The application claims compliance with the floor space ratio maximum of 0.5:1, coming in at 0.47:1, which would mean a gross floor area of 228.8 square metres.

In another place, it claims a floor space ratio of 0.49:1.

Several different total gross floor area figures are quoted in the application, including 364 square metres, an implied total of 238.1 square metres, and 229.5 square metres.

For example, the application states: "The proposed house is 213 square metres plus proposed subfloor enclosure of 151 square metres adds up to a total gross floor area after completion of 364 square metres."

Apart from the secondary dwelling, the application claims compliance with the planning provisions, including the local character statement, height of buildings, site coverage, setbacks, private open space areas, privacy concerns and solar access/overshadowing.

The application concludes that the proposal would "contribute positively to the neighbourhood in terms of improved quality of housing stock that will endure for the next generation and demonstrating a well proportioned and aesthetically fitting to the Ettalong Beach Locality".

"It sets a new standard for a local vernacular that respects what came before it and attempts to conserve a character of smaller scale lightweight".

The application is currently on public exhibition, but no closing date for submissions has been published.

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