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Collapse Issue 522:<br />28 Jun 2021<br />_____________Issue 522:
28 Jun 2021
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Beachfront rezoning would allow 'step-down transition'

Rezoning of beachfront land at 43-49 The Esplanade, between Memorial Ave and Picnic Parade, would bring the planning provisions into line with the approval for the "five and seven storey residential-commercial" Atlantis development at number 49.

It would "allow for appropriate building setbacks, building separation, and a stepped-down transition to the low-density residential development to the east", according to a report by council planners.

In a planning proposal assessment, council planners reported the strip also contained "an older style two-storey Ettalong Beach Motel on number 46, an existing single storey residence on no. 43, while no. 44 and 45 are currently undeveloped".

"There is a pedestrian laneway between 46 and 49 The Esplanade connecting The Esplanade with Ocean View Rd.

"The planning proposal seeks to increase the permitted maximum building height from 11.5 metres (approximately three storeys) to 17 metres (approximately five storeys), and the permitted maximum floor space ratio from 1:1 to 2:1 to enable improved lot consolidation and development outcome.

"Details of the envisaged development scheme, indicate a single development on six parcels, No 43-46 The Esplanade, comprising of one level of basement parking, a ground floor of predominantly commercial areas, and four storeys of residential units in two small towers.

"Under proposed development controls, the development could achieve five storeys in height involving up to 38 residential units and commercial floor space of 1100 square metres.

"Vehicle access to a single level basement of 66 car spaces is provided at the rear access lane and includes an at-grade loading bay with a separate access.

"The planning controls in this waterfront location are intended to limit overshadowing of the beach and public open space, allow for view sharing to the water from other B2 Local Centre zoned land, and provide a transition to the lower density residential land to the east.

The council planners stated: "Following initial staff comments, a set of revised concept plans accompanied by the design quality statement, prepared by a registered architect, was submitted."

The design statement was not contained in the council agenda documents.

However, the council report said that design statement outlined how the proposal satisfied design quality principles and was considered by council staff to be generally consistent with the objectives.

"The concept plans indicate a floor space ratio of 1.74:1, not 2:1 as requested in the planning proposal.

"The density of 1.74:1 appears to allow for appropriate building setbacks, building separation, and a stepped-down transition to the low-density residential development to the east.

"Based on this, an increase in the maximum to 1.75:1 can be supported.

"The concept plans indicate a shortfall in the provision of carparking for the commercial floorspace.

"The carparking contributions plan is oversubscribed and is currently not accepting contributions in lieu of carparking.

"As such the required carparking spaces will need to be accommodated on the subject site."

The report said that 49 The Esplanade formed part of the planning proposal but was not included in the concept plans of the envisaged development.

"The planning controls for this lot will also be reviewed as the current controls do not reflect the existing approved development.

The applicant was listed as Parform Pty Ltd, described as owner of the Ettalong Motel on lots 117, 118, 119 at number 46 The Esplanade.

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