Non-compliance issues are damaging our community
The article in Peninsula News 520 ("CEN criticises 'excessive' approval of non-compliance") gives us opportunity to voice our concerns.
Having been hemmed in by new developments in our formerly quiet King St, I was relieved to read that Council has begun to look into non-complying developments.
When we enquired at Council about the plans for each of the developments, on either side of our home, we were informed that the plans were acceptable, although in several areas the proposed development "does not comply with".
The following relates to the units on one side of us:
Articulation: The proposed Residential Flat Building would have an overall length of 53.6 metres which does not comply with the prescriptive 25 metre requirement outlined in Clause of the DCP.
Setbacks: The proposed side and rear setbacks of the multi-unit housing buildings do not comply with the prescriptive measures outlined within the setback clauses within the DCP.
Private Open Space: Proposed unit two would not comply with the with the prescriptive 50 square metre requirement for the establishment of a private open space area.
On the other side of our property, the approved plans are similar.
There were numerous non-compliances allowed to slip through.
The building of this site was also much harder to live through.
The builders on this site had a very cavalier attitude to us and our struggles with the noise level ... particularly when they were grinding bricks and timber alongside our living areas.
We are not people who would normally complain, but the past 12 months have been particularly difficult for us.
We had to move away for several months while the sawing and grinding was going on outside our living and sleeping areas.
According to the building foreman, it was "more convenient" for the workmen to use the small setback near us than to move the noisy equipment to the front of the building.
Well, I'm guessing that others are going through more difficult experiences than we have.
I do hope that, with your encouragement, Council will be able to address some of the issues that are damaging the well-being of the local community.
I appreciate the work of GUST who are addressing the non-compliance issues of "deep soil landscaping", and the tragic loss of over 30 trees from this small area.
We noticed the increased heat last summer after the shade trees had gone.
Email, 19 Jun 2021
Jen Kallmier, Umina