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Collapse Issue 521:<br />15 Jun 2021<br />_____________Issue 521:
15 Jun 2021
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Council asked to rezone recreation land to residential

A proposal to rezone 3167 square metres of a vacant block at 18 Macleay Ave, Woy Woy, from recreation to residential use will be considered by Central Coast Council tonight.

A report by council strategic planners to the council says the land is privately-owned by "a local provider of affordable rental housing", Pacific Link Housing Ltd.

A "conceptual development design" for 21 one and two storey units is shown in a planning proposal assessment attached to the Council agenda.

"It is proposed that the rezoning of the land will enable the site to be developed to meet the needs of people on very low to moderate incomes," the staff report states.

"If the Planning Proposal is successful, the owner proposes to develop the site for medium density housing with the purpose of providing affordable housing for the community."

However, nothing in the staff recommendation to the council meeting would ensure the site would be used for affordable housing.

The council planners have recommended that a "planning proposal" be submitted to the Minister of Planning, requesting a "gateway determination".

The proposal would "rezone the western part of Lot 16 DP 255220 and the adjoining pathways to R1 General Residential".

A planning agreement with the land owner would require part of the land to be a council drainage reserve and the "inclusion of the two adjoining pathways into the subject land".

A minimum lot size of 550 square metres, a maximum height of 8.5 metres and a floor space ratio of up to 0.7:1 would apply to the rezoned land.

If agreed, the Council would undertake community and public authority consultation in accordance with the Gateway Determination requirements, including the concurrent exhibition of the draft Planning Agreement.

The staff report stated that the purpose of the proposal was "to prepare a Planning Proposal to enable medium density residential development to occur on the western part of Lot 16 DP 255220, 18 Macleay Ave, Woy Woy".

"The planning proposal has strategic merit for the following reasons.

"The site is within an established residential area.

"The western part of the land proposed to be zoned R1 General Residential adjoins other R1 zoned land which has been developed for medium density housing;

"The proposal will enable the provision of affordable rental housing to meet the needs of people on very low to moderate incomes; and

"The eastern part of the site is vegetated and accommodates a watercourse which forms a continuation of the local drainage system.

"There will be a public benefit in this land coming into public ownership.

"Negotiation of a planning agreement with the landowner will be required to address the dedication of land to Council for a drainage reserve and inclusion of obsolete public pathways into the subject land to be rezoned R1 General Residential."

The report stated that the planning proposal was referred to the Local Planning Panel on May 13.

However, the item did not appear on the Panel's public agenda and rated a one-line, out of order, mention in the minutes.

"The Panel supported the recommendations in the draft report and noted the importance of ensuring no impact on threatened species, both flora and fauna."

The staff recommendation to the council makes no reference to protection of threatened species.

The report stated that the land was owned by the NSW Land and Housing Corporation until 2019, when it was sold to the current owner.

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