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Collapse Issue 515:<br />22 Mar 2021<br />_____________Issue 515:
22 Mar 2021
Collapse  NEWS NEWS
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'Initial strategic' intersection designs released

Transport for NSW has released "initial strategic designs" for intersection upgrades along Blackwall Rd for public comment.

The designs show changes for intersections of Blackwall Rd with McMasters, Allfield and Farnell Rds and the intersection at Memorial Ave and Maitland Bay Dr.

Changes to the pedestrian crossing on Blackwall Rd just south of the Victoria Rd roundabout have also been proposed.

Aims of the project include improving the travel time and reducing congestion along Blackwall Rd and Memorial Ave.

Other aims include improving motorists' safety, providing safer pedestrian and cyclist facilities near the intersections, as well as "supporting economic growth and productivity by providing road capacity for existing and projected traffic volumes".

Key features include new traffic lights at Farnell Rd and the cul-de-sac closure of Farnell Rd to the west of Blackwall Rd.

There will be no access out of Allfield Rd (east) onto Blackwall Rd, but a new left turn bay will be created in Blackwall Rd northbound into Allfield Rd

A dedicated right turn lane will be created from Blackwall Rd southbound into McMasters Rd.

Traffic will no longer be able to right turn from McMasters Rd onto Blackwall Rd.

Entry into McMasters Rd (east) will be closed to all but southbound traffic in Blackwall Rd.

Pedestrian-activated traffic lights will be installed on Blackwall Road, south of McMasters Rd.

Dual right turn lanes will be provided from Maitland Bay Dr onto Memorial Ave.

Two northbound lanes will be provided from Barrenjoey Rd.

Separate left and right turn lanes will be created out of Gallipoli Ave.

"If you have any questions or would like more information on the Blackwall Road intersection upgrades please contact our project team on 4394 6298 or email," a Transport for NSW community update leaflet states.

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