Fours champions had average age of 84
The Umina Beach Men's Bowling Club's 2025 Fours Championship final has been won by a team with an average age of over 84.
The final of the Championship was played in glorious sunshine on Sunday, February 2, according to club secretary Mr Peter Springett.
"This epic David and Goliath final was played between the Superstars, comprised of Lee Cribbs, Jayden Moody, Brett Jacobson and Greg Shirley, and the Oldies, comprised of Gordon Azzopardi (71), Norm Lang (90), Brian Butterworth (89) and Allan Jones (87).
"The Oldies had been playing very well as a team in the earlier rounds, but this was going to be their ultimate test.
"The Oldies got out to a 5-1 lead after four ends, a 10-2 lead after eight ends and a 16-4 lead after 11 ends.
"The Superstars won four consecutive ends and reduced the deficit to 16-12.
"Everyone in the huge crowd of spectators thought: 'Here it comes'.
"But the Oldies, led by Azzo, dug deep and won the next three ends one, two and four, making it 23-12 after 20 ends, so no need to play the last end.
"Allan Jones was probably the player of the match and guided the Oldies round the park very well, all afternoon, but Norm, Brian and Azzo were sensational as well."
Social media, 2 Feb 2025
Peter Springett, UBMBC