Attached dual occupancy proposed for Webb Rd
An attached dual occupancy and subdivision has been proposed for 14 Webb Rd, Booker Bay.
All existing structures will be demolished for the two-storey development.
Each dwelling will contain three bedrooms, and incorporate single garages at the front of the building, according to the development application prepared by GVP Design Studio.
The site is a 628 square metre rectangular block within a mixed residential area.
The application describes the surrounding area as containing single and two-storey dwellings, along with some dual occupancies.
The development is within the R1 General Residential zone.
The proposal is claimed to comply with all planning provisions
It meets the minimum lot size of 550 square metres for dual occupancies, the maximum building height of 8.5 metres, with a height less than 7.1 metres.
It has a floor space ratio at the maximum permitted of 0.5:1.
The front setback of the garages is 7.5 metres, with entrances at 8.7 metres.
The ground floor setbacks are 900mm for the side boundaries and 13.48 metres for the rear setback.
The proposed private open space will exceed minimum requirements due to short driveways resulting from garages situated at the front of the dwellings..
The allowance of 112.3 square metres per unit is more than double the minimum requirement.
It is claimed that habitable rooms will receive adequate solar access.
The application states: "The shadow diagram demonstrates that the private open space areas of the adjoining dwellings will not be significantly affected".
However, no shadow diagrams are included on the council website.
The landscape design claims it will incorporate indigenous or low-water-use species to promote biodiversity.
There is no mention of existing vegetation on the site although a picture in the application shows a medium sized tree in the front setback, which is not included in the landscape plan.
The landscape plan proposes an old man banksia (banksia serrata) at both corners of the front boundary.
More trees are planned for the rear open space, including two white crepe myrtles, two tuckeroos and eight "teddy bear" magnolias.
The drainage system will include grated silt arrestor pits, absorption trenches and water harvesting tanks.
The application claims the development will complement the streetscape and is not expected to affect existing views.
Privacy concerns are said to be addressed via window placement, sills, glazing, setbacks and landscaping.
Each dwelling will have a visitor parking space incorporated "in tandem" on its driveway.
The application concludes that "Council's requirements and good planning principles have been incorporated in the design, which has resulted in a high-quality development that will contribute positively to the built form of the locality by providing new affordable housing stock that successfully addresses the width, length and slope of the site."
The application is currently on public exhibition with the submission period closing on February 28.
DA Tracker, 9 Feb 2025
DA/29/2025, Central Coast Council