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Collapse Issue 601:<br />19 Aug 2024<br />_____________Issue 601:
19 Aug 2024
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Festival application proposes rangers manage parking

A development application for this year's Brisbane Water Oyster Festival proposes that Central Coast Council rangers manage parking outside the event site at Lions Park, Woy Woy, on November 7.

Complaints were made following last year's festival that a large numbers of cars were parked illegally on the council reserve located on the corner of Brick Wharf and North Burge Rd opposite the venue.

The traffic management plan submitted with the development application for this year's festival lists four traffic "control measures".

Stall holders and vendors would be "advised as to their responsibility" in relation to parking.

"Rangers are responsible for non compliant parking and regulatory enforcement".

There would be "temporary no parking signage installed during event" and "pre-event information advising the best parking locations for patrons".

The plan contains lists "all staff", "contractors", "event organiser" and "rangers" as being "responsible", but does not identify precisely who is responsible for what.

There are few additional details as to where, when and how the "control measures" are to be carried out.

Earlier this year, council staff said in response to complaints: "It was conveyed to the organisers after last year's event that this area is not to be used as an overflow car park and that will be considered when an application is lodged to host this year's event.

"Options that have been put forward to alleviate your concerns involve extra ranger patrols, and sandstone blocks."

"Our special events team will be able to make a more informed decision on this once the applicaton is lodged with the appropriate traffic management plans."

The application has now been lodged by the Peninsula Chamber of Commerce.

It states: "The event is to be held on November 10 from 10 am to 4 pm and includes activities both within the existing reserve and car park and on the adjoining street (ie: the northern end of North Burge Road) "

This year's application provides more information than last year.

In addition to the application's Statement of Environmental Effects and Risk Management Plan, there is a "proposed site plan" showing the placement of all the different elements of the event, an Environmental Management Plan and a Traffic Management Plan.

The application is currently on exhibition and open for written submissions until September 6.

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