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Collapse Issue 601:<br />19 Aug 2024<br />_____________Issue 601:
19 Aug 2024
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Council blitz leaves Patonga locals feeling alienated

Central Coast Council has placed "derelict vehicle" notices on small fishing boats, a Central Coast Outrigger Canoe Club boat, dinghies and commuter boats at Patonga used by residents and commercial fishermen.

"An officer from Central Coast Council came to Patonga with orange derelict motor vehicle stickers and placed one on every single boat on Patonga Beach," said commercial fisherman Mr Rolf Norington.

"This has created the impression that Central Coast Council is intent upon kicking the locals off Patonga Beach and possibly out of Patonga altogether."

Some residents feared the council was attempting to change the culture and village ambience of Patonga to make it a crowded tourist destination and parking station with no space for locals.

"Some locals feel that the attitude of Central Coast Council is to treat Patonga like a carpark for the ferries and the locals can get out," said Mr Norington.

"The placing of derelict vehicle stickers on all of the boats on the beach was also just after a major weather event where the Ettalong ferry had to be diverted and local commercial fishers had placed their net boats and dinghies up out of harm's way.

"This has also given the impression that Central Coast Council has no idea what actually goes on in Patonga."

Mr Norington said: "Patonga has always been known as a historical fishing village with a traditional and closely knit local community which has welcomed visitors, having a lovely caravan park and more recently a hotel.

"The boat ramp, which was recently upgraded by Central Coast Council, resulting in less parking availability, is busy on weekends and holidays as well as local businesses.

"Parking availability is always an issue at these times.

"As the locals know, the Ettalong Ferry is diverted to Patonga in times of bad weather and sea conditions or when depth problems exist in the entrance to Brisbane Waters.

"Public parking in Patonga is usually completely taken up by 6am on weekdays and Saturdays by ferry commuters at these times, so no parking is available for anyone else, locals or visitors."

Central Coast Council staff met at Patonga last week with some fishermen and local residents on the beach.

Mr Norington said the dialogue was productive "with some distinction finally made between derelict boats and boats in use".

He said council was intent upon removing small derelict boats.

It is understood that the outrigger canoe club was told by the council that it took the action to identify who the boat owners were.

"Unfortunately unlike cars we are unable to ascertain who the owners are due to a lack of registration."

The canoes were clearly labelled but council staff failed to contact the club.

The club was told the council would not be taking any action to remove the outrigger club canoes.

It was also told: "Council has received complaints from local residents about the growing number of dilapidated boats an boats that are not owned by members of the Patonga community.

"The number of dilapidated boats has been increasing over the years."

However, it appears it is a large unregistered derelict commercial barge which drifted onto Patonga beach that is at the root of the problem.

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