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Collapse Issue 567:<br />17 Apr 2023<br />_____________Issue 567:
17 Apr 2023
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New canteen supervisor appointed at Woy Woy

Woy Woy Public School has announced the appointment of Ms Fiona Fry as its new canteen supervisor, following the "sad resignation of our wonderful canteen supervisor Ms Ann Wilson".

Ms Fry will start duties at the canteen on April 26.

"Fiona is familiar with our canteen having worked there as a volunteer and fill in for Ann on many occasions," said school principal Ms Ona Buckley.

"Fiona was also part of our P/C in previous years serving in positions of president and treasurer.

"Fiona's children attended our school and currently so are her nieces.

"Fiona also has the reputation of being a fabulous cook.

"Recently Fiona has been working at a local hospital, overseeing, and preparing meals and dietary needs for patients.

"She is extremely well suited to this position.

"As a result of this exciting changeover, we are taking the opportunity to look at our canteen service.

"We want to simplify the menu and make sure we are supplying healthy but popular snacks, food items and drink choices.

"This will mean adjusting some prices in line with food item increases.

"We will send out a survey early next term to see what your children like most at the canteen and take suggestions on what you may think is a better healthy food item that is popular with children.

"We will ask our students too for their favourite healthy choices.

"Flexischools will continue to operate as your online ordering platform and a menu change will be loaded up when we complete our survey and simplify the food choices.

"There will be summer and winter items that may differ.

"The canteen will continue until mid-next term when all information is gathered, and a new menu completed.

"Fiona will be part of our school staff and we warmly welcome her.

"Our canteen is a service for our students and parent community but still needs to be viable. "Let's work together to ensure it can continue to be just that."

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