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Collapse Issue 594:<br />13 May 2024<br />_____________Issue 594:
13 May 2024
Collapse  NEWS NEWS
High density planning controls start today
Washed out!
Three groups join for Ettalong foreshore tree proposal
Soccer president wins community service award
Two derelict boats removed from Patonga
Club suffers suspected data breach
Marine Rescue unit is second busiest
Fire brigade asked to help ambulance service*
Groups campaigns for permanent removal of shark nets
Anderson Park playground to be moved to Spencer
Regulator unsure of spearpoint compliance
Chamber calls for crossing collaboration
Rotary members attend assembly at Penrith*
Meet new friends at Rotary morning coffee*
Joint presidency and directorships for Rotary board*
Brigade asks people to consider donating to flood relief*
CWA branch presents $1900 to court service
Memories of the airstrip
Opportunity to find out more about CWA branch*
CWA opens Wednesday morning 'shop'
Brigade holds First Aid and resuscitation refresher*
Surf club attends two Anzac ceremonies
Gentle Storytime offered at Woy Woy library*
Historian retraces route of first car to reach Woy Woy
Father Timothy formally installed
Justice of the Peace service at information centre*
Fire at laundromat*
Mary Mac's hamper room topped up
Biggest Morning Tea event includes entertainment
Community garden promotes 'seed library'
Seniors' centre on the lookout for skilled individuals*
Dr Swain leads his final Anzac service
Produce swap to be held at community garden*
Fire brigade holds session for trainees*
Wheelchair basketball among the holiday activities*
Youth Yarn Up to be held at Mingaletta*
The highest May rainfall in 20 years already
Collapse  ARTS ARTS



Ettalong pair win NSW competition

Ettalong Bowling Club players Darren Morrison and Hemi Palmer have defeated Taren Point to win the Bowls NSW Men's Champion of Club Champions Pairs final.

The game was play at Cabra-Vale Diggers Bowling Club on Friday, May 3.

The Ettalong bowlers defeated Taren Point bowlers K Hansen and R Pearse 18-17.

The pair will now join other Ettalong bowlers to represent Bowls Central Coast in interzone competition to be held at Dundas Bowling Club and Northmead Bowling Club from Tuesday, May 28, to Monday, June 3.

Darren Morrison and Hemi Palmer will join Zac Robertson, Nathan Malloy and Lee Trethowan in the Open Reps, while John Roberts, Colin Passfield and Phil Westcott will play in the Senior Reps.

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