Council to help shade tree group with tree planting
The Grow Urban Shade Trees group has received an offer of help from Central Coast Council to supply and plant street trees that residents order through the group.
The council will supply a list of available native and exotic trees, and the group will do the paperwork, according to group member Ms Deb Sunartha.
"We will take details of the request on a council application form, including name, address, choice of tree, and a picture of where the resident would like the tree planted."
"The form is to be signed by the resident and co-signed by a GUST member then forwarded to the Council's Open Spaces team.
"The Open Spaces team will inspect the location, hopefully approve it for a suitable tree and plant it.
"The resident is still expected to maintain the tree in good health.
"Council has reminded us that only $40,000 has been allocated this financial year for tree-planting through the whole Central Coast area.
"The funding will be shared amongst the 19 suburbs for priority planting most affected by urban heat as noted in the Council's Greener Places Strategy."
Social media, 13 Mar 2024
Deb Sunartha, Grow Urban Shade Trees