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Collapse Issue 513:<br />22 Feb 2021<br />_____________Issue 513:
22 Feb 2021
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We elect them to work for us and not against us

I continue with my concerns about our democracy.

I understand that the employees at our Council were able to access and redirect restricted funds which required the permission of Minister for Local Government Ms Shelley Hancock, or councillors.

It seems that that never happened.

The Administrator has admitted that using restricted reserves was either unlawful or done without the approval of the elected body.

If this is the case why isn't the Administrator pursuing this matter instead of telling us that we have to make up the shortfall with increases in our rates or the selling of our amenities?

Someone must be responsible.

How long have such matters been going on with our Council?

What is Mr Crouch doing about it, or Liesl Tesch, or the council's audit committee, or the State Government's Audit Office?

They have all failed us.

We were led along like lemmings to believe that the amalgamation of Gosford and Wyong Councils would be a great thing for us all.

Well it has failed. The Government has let us down.

People may say that Australia is so much more democratic than other countries.

At least I can write this letter, but I believe that we are heading in the wrong direction.

Ministers are found to have done questionable things such as the Sports Rorts, the letter from Angus Taylor about Clover More, Michaela Cash sending in the AFP to the Union and many more and no one loses their job.

We need to watch carefully and we need to demand that the Administrator gets to the bottom of this matter and finds out what happened to all this money and who authorised it.

It's always the people at the bottom who end up paying the price.

It's up to us to demand an explanation and demand that the Minister help.

We elect them to work for us not against us.

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