Residents question need for demolition of native trees
Grow Urban Shade Trees group member Ms Lesley Harvey was one of a number of residents to question the need for felling trees on a block at the corner of Memorial Ave and Wallaby Way, Blackwall, on Wednesday, February 10.
She described the felling as a "tragic demolition of loved, shady, old paper barks and other mature natives".
The action "highlights the deficiencies with Council planning, which waves through such awful destruction on the Peninsula's hot coastal sand plain - despite years of protesting and questioning by locals".
"When Council is going to enact the Greener Places policy and/or the State's canopy guidelines to offset the effects of heat on our coastal area and our sand plain in particular - not to mention habitat and biodiversity loss?"
Media release, 9 Feb 2021
Lesley Harvey, GUST