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Collapse Issue 603:<br />16 Sep 2024<br />_____________Issue 603:
16 Sep 2024
Collapse  NEWS NEWS
Neal and McWaide likely to be councillors
Fire awareness sessions on Saturday
Minister's order hobbles councillors' control of finances
Marine Rescue holds training day
Council holds business survey
Rotary club to hold golf day on November 4
Native bee workshops to be held at Woytopia
Pocket Pals knitted for South Pacific conference
Megan is employee of the month
Abandoned vessel removed from Woy Woy Bay
Rotary club hears from aged care community manager
Brooks criticises 'performance improvement order'
Number of brigades called to Patonga*
Tiling retailer wins specialist retail business award
Garden club meets at Umina library
Pearl Beach brigade joins in Halekulani burn*
Successful fundraising at 'massive event'*
Patonga firefighters join in mopping up after burn*
Federal Member welcomes Rabaul Ave resurfacing*
Reid holds community forum at Hardy's Bay*
Rain recorded on just one day this month
Application for beachfront house claims full compliance
Demolition proposed for disused aged care building
Drop-in sessions likely for Phegans Bay foreshore plan
Editorial opinion
Minister must support local democracy in his actions
Devastated at the death of Dr Heinz-Joachim Muller
Order on Council shows no respect for democracy
Association is open to exciting creative ideas
Japanese nursing students have local work experience
Hospital holds barbecue for RUOK day
Escape bags for people fleeing domestic violence
Mingaletta holds women's health clinic
Aged care home says farewell to long-serving employee
Collapse  ARTS ARTS
Woytopia festival adds free clothes swap
Pearl Beach Art Trail to be held on long weekend
Coastal Twist Festival offers five events on Peninsula
Hanging tea towels made by patchwork group
'Double treat' at folk club concert
Pearl Beach artist has exhibition in botanic gardens*
Magic descends on St John the Baptist Primary School
Parents encouraged to take part in survey
Donation made to Woy Woy school
Parking an issue around Ettalong school
Bowling club holds RUOK event
Cycling group to hold 'Peninsula Loop' ride
Children invited to try pickleball
Charity bowls day to raise money for Guide Dogs
Bridge club runs Swiss pairs over two sessions
Surf club holds a 24-hour row
Tennis club receives grant to resurface court



Bowling club holds RUOK event

The Umina Beach Men's Bowling Club held its annual RUOK event on Wednesday, September 11.

The successful event was co-ordinated by Rex Hunt, with help from Ron Austin, Robin Hill, Lee Cribbs and Glenn Simington.

Over 60 UBMBC members took part in the event, which raised about $1200 for the RUOK Charity.

"The charity is an Australian non-profit suicide prevention organisation, founded by advertising executive Gavin Larkin in 2009," said club secretary Mr Peter Springett .

"It revolves around the slogan RU OK? and advocates for people to have conversations with others."

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