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Pesticides pass along food chain

May I congratulate Eric Tucker for the press release of his society; opposing spraying at Cockle Bay.

The well-reasoned approach reminded me of an American conservationist I met many years ago on a tour ship to Antarctica.

He used the discovery of Dr Rachel Carson that the new poisons being poured into our air and soils kept on killing as they passed along the food chains.

Her classis book was entitled Where No Birds Sing; since birds were often at the end of this food chain.

Pesticide residues means many farms are still in quarantine; though Australia has the proud position of being the best supplier of pesticide-free food.

My new American friend had fought the battle to save his wetland being sprayed to go on to create the environmental defenders group one of the most powerful in the United States.

The story is told in my book Saving Australia, available in our regional libraries.

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