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Most flushed water is collected

Gosford Council would like to assure local residents that every effort is made to capture water used during the Water Mains Cleaning Program and either re-use on local sporting fields, or transport back to a treatment plant.

During the program so far, more than 99 per cent of water has been collected and re-used.

When an isolated discoloured water complaint is received that is not the result of a planned cleaning program, a Council worker may briefly flush the local main.

This is the only option to quickly clear the discoloured water and usually uses minimal amounts of water which is directed onto grassed areas where possible.

The only alternative is to leave the affected residents with discoloured water.

During a large-scale discoloured water incident that requires extensive mains flushing, tankers will be called to the area.

Gosford Council is working to deliver clearer water to Peninsula residents and is making every effort to re-use as much water from the process as possible.

The Water Main Cleaning Program will continue throughout the Peninsula over the coming months and we would like to thank local residents for their continued patience.

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