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Kerbing is a waste of money

Gosford Council will receive an additional $968,000 from the Federal Government's Roads to Recovery program for Mt Ettalong Rd works, according to Peninsula News (May 15).

I find it incredible that Mr Peter Dunn, council's project development coordinator, proposes to spend some of this money on "kerb and guttering the length of the road".

Certainly this road needs a footpath-cycleway for the safety of residents, but to kerb and gutter a road that runs beside a creek is a criminal waste of money.

So many of the Peninsula's roads need money spent on them to make them safe yet this council sees fit to waste money on this kerb and guttering.

I read today in other media "calls for a State Government inquiry into the alleged mismanagement of ratepayers funds".

Is it any wonder that this council is held in such contempt by a large number of residents when they throw our money away on unnecessary works like this, while the Peninsula's roads approach gridlock.

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