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Collapse Issue 118 - 30 May 2005Issue 118 - 30 May 2005
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Condemn sterile high-rise visions

Recent approval by Gosford Council to seek Minister Craig Knowles' approval for the rezoning of the old Ettalong Beach War Memorial Club raises the spectre of further high-rise developments on the Peninsula.

Peninsula residents, protective of their desire to retain a "local village/community" atmosphere and preserve their quality of life (high priorities recognized in the recent Gosford Vision 2025 exercise), want council to appreciate there is a large majority against high-rise development on the Peninsula.

Residents support progress and sustainable development.

They do not support the discredited sterile vision that the only path to future progress is high-rise development.

Such development will forever spoil the unique qualities of the area which we all want to protect and only benefit developers with no long-term commitment to the area.

What great improvements to the vitality of Gosford CBD have the many high-rise apartments in Gosford brought?

The recent petition against re-zoning and further high-rise developments, signed by over 1000 Peninsula residents, sends a clear message to council from the community to 'say no' to high-rise.

Councillors, who were voted in on election platforms similar to Central Coast First - "we believe in genuine community consultation", can know with confidence they have majority community support to make a stand against further high-rise.

Time now councillors, to condemn sterile high-rise visions and open your eyes to a vision of specialised medical facilities built around Gosford Hospital, a Central Coast University at Ourimbah, Tafe colleges and low-rise quality developments which will draw tourists to an unspoilt area.

Councillors can then truly say they have brought real jobs and progress to the Central Coast.

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