Smartphone workshops held at Patonga
A series of workshops to help people over 50 with smartphone technology is being run in Patonga.
The Patonga Digital Connect workshops over the next two weeks are run by the Central Coast Community College and provide free workshops on all aspects of using the internet and your digital device.
Sessions will be held at the Patonga Progress Hall from 10am to 2pm on the next two Fridays.
This Friday, July 14, the topic will be "Managing and using apps on your smartphone".
The session on the following Friday, July 21, will look at "Privacy and security on your smartphone".
Registrations are accepted on the day, "so just turn up and bring your smartphone or tablet".
Wifi, tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided.
For further information, send a text message to Patonga resident Mr Steve King on 0476 255 846.
Website, 30 Jun 2023
Pearl Beach Progress Association