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Collapse Issue 516:<br />6 Apr 2021<br />_____________Issue 516:
6 Apr 2021
Collapse  NEWS NEWS
Collapse  ARTS ARTS


Submissions raise 14 issues with intersection plans

A consultation report issued by Transport for NSW last September has reported that 30 submissions have raised 14 issues with the intersection plans for Blackwall Rd.

None of the 30 submissions has resulted in a change to the intersection designs.

Several of the responses said the issues raised would be "subject to further refinement as the project design and planning progresses".

Only in one case did Transport for NSW seem to indicate it was willing to reconsider a small part of its plan.

A comment was made about the plans for Allfield Rd east that: "Angled parking is on wrong side of the road and at a cost to parallel parking."

The Transport NSW response was: "Further design and planning stages will include refinements to the Allfield Rd east layout to minimise impact on Home Timber and Hardware customers and suppliers in consultation with the business.

"This may include reverting to parallel street parking."

Resident concerns included making Allfield Rd east a one-way street, routing trucks and buses down Farnell Rd East, slowing traffic with two sets of traffic lights at Farnell Rd as well as Allfield Rd, the creation of "rat runs" in the back streets, garbage collection in Allfield Rd east, and increased use of Edward St,

The next design and planning stages identified in the report included detailing active transport crossings, landscape planning, drainage provisions, noise impact and environmental assessment, pedestrian crossings and turn restrictions.

In a section on pedestrian and cycle facilities, the next planning stages "will further detail the active transport crossings and connectivity to existing and proposed paths in the adjoining local roads"

They "will include landscape plans that will identify new planting to offset the loss of any trees that need to be removed".

They "will examine drainage provisions in Farnell Rd to ensure the existing impact is not increased with the implementation of the proposed upgrade".

"Operational noise impact and possible treatments will be investigated and addressed in the environmental assessment which is the next planning phase for the project.

"Further investigations aimed at improving pedestrian safety at pedestrian crossings will be take place in in the next phase of design and planning."

At McMasters Rd, "the exact location of the pedestrian activated lights is subject to further refinement as the project design and planning progresses".

"As the design and planning progresses we will investigate restricting the northbound right turn from Blackwall Road into Farnell Road to limit eastbound traffic on Farnell Road."

The report recommends "continuing consultation with the community ... throughout the next planning stages".

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