Wettest December in wettest year in 16 years
Rainfall of 209.1mm on the Peninsula in December made the month the wettest December in 16 years, according to figures supplied by Mr Jim Morrison of Umina.
The largest falls were 56.8mm recorded on December 30, 38.4mm on December 22 and 16mm on December 16.
It brought the year's total to 1685mm, which was the wettest year in the same period.
The next highest figures were recorded in 2007, which recorded both the second wettest December and the second wettest year.
The December figure in 2007 was 199.5mm for an annual total that year of 1622mm.
This year's rainfall contrasted with last year's, when the December figure of just three millimetres and the annual total of 993 were the 16-year low.
A total of 20.4mm have been recorded this year, to January 8, with a January monthly average of 122mm.
Spreadsheet, 8 Jan 2021
Jim Morrison, Umina