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Collapse Issue 507:<br />16 Nov 2020<br />_____________Issue 507:
16 Nov 2020
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Fire hazard reduction burns planned for The Bays

Fire hazard reduction burns are "a high priority" for The Bays area, the Bays Community Group has been told.

The group's committee invited Rural Fire Service brigade captain Mr Stephen O'Donoghue to provide an update.

He said that preparation work was almost complete, according to Community Group committee member Ms Marie Davies.

She said hazard reduction were planned for the bush surrounding Wattle Cres, Olive Ave, Woy Woy Rd and Gabagong Rd.

Hazard reduction would be done as soon as the weather permitted and the resources were organised.

"This burn has been on the list for a while but weather and other considerations have prevented it from being done," she said the committee was told.

Residents would be informed when hazard reduction burning was planned.

She during the burning residents should keep doors and windows closed to prevent smoke entering homes.

They should keep outdoor furniture under cover to prevent ember burns and retract pool covers to prevent ember damage

They should remove washing from clotheslines and ensure pets had a protected area in which to shelter.

Vehicles on the roads should slow down, keep windows up, turn headlights on.

Sightseers must keep away from burns for their own safety

If you have asthma or a lung condition, reduce outdoor activities.

If smoke levels are high and if shortness of breath or coughing develops, take your reliever medicine or seek medical advice

Living in The Bays means living with the potential threat of a bushfire.

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