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Collapse Issue 507:<br />16 Nov 2020<br />_____________Issue 507:
16 Nov 2020
Collapse  NEWS NEWS
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Christmas drummer bear included in decorations

A resident of a Woy Woy aged care home has filled her room with Christmas decorations, including a 60-year-old Christmas drummer bear.

Ms Vera Hoxha, who has recently moved into Blue Wave Living, set up a table and chairs with decorations in front of her room at Blue Wave Living, as well as inside the room.

Other residents can view the decorations from the courtyard her room opens onto.

"It is certainly bringing the spirit of Christmas to BlueWave," said Blue Wave Living marketing manager Ms Kylie Scott.

Ms Scott said that Ms Hoxha brought many more decorations with her than would fit in her room and was making them available for use throughout the building.

She said the drummer bear was of special significance to Ms Hoxha as it was a present for her daughter's first Christmas 60 years ago.

Ms Scott said the centre planned its usual Christmas light bus trips this year.

"We take the residents out on the bus and drive around to look at the Christmas Lights on display.

"This is really popular each year."

A Christmas lunch was planned and numerous Christmas concerts and performances, among them "Carols by Sunlight".

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