Simultaneous storytime
Woy Woy and Umina Libraries took part in a national, simultaneous storytime session on Friday, September 2.
The event was part of the Australian Library and Information Association's National Simultaneous Storytime held in September every year.
The aim of the event is to promote the value of reading and literacy, promote the value of books, promote an Australian writer and publisher and promote storytime activities in public libraries around the country.
This year's book "Wombat Stew" written by Marcia K Vaughan and illustrated by Pamela Lofts was chosen as it celebrates its 21st birthday as a popular Australian children's picture book.
Woy Woy and Umina were among the eight libraries in the Gosford local government area to participate.
Wombat Stew was read from 10.30am at Gosford, Kincumber, Woy Woy, Niagara Park, Umina and Erina Library.
Kariong and Wyoming also participated, reading the book at 11am.
National Simultaneous Storytime was first held during Library and Information Week in 2001.
Press release, August 29
Breearna Sharp, Gosford Council