Council plans for Ettalong foreshore
Gosford Council has started planning for works on Ettalong Beach foreshore, estimated to cost more than $1.6 million.
Gosford architects Andrews Neil have been appointed to draw up landscape plans for the Town Beach area.
A presentation prepared for the Peninsula Business Rate Levy showed dune "revegetation" for "improved views" and to "maximise views to beach", "improved beach access" and "improved footpath/cycleway".
The presentation suggested existing vegetation would be removed.
A committee of stakeholders met on Monday, May 9, to discuss issues relating to the Ettalong Beach foreshore plan, according to Council's manager of recreation services Mr Peter Hickman.
Mr Hickman said that no detailed plans for the foreshore were being considered, although a landscape plan was considered at the last meeting
"There were a number of problems being looked at with the plan, before it goes out for community consultation," Mr Hickman said.
Mr Hickman also suggested that there were a number of studies that would need to be conducted before any detailed plans were produced.
Mr Hickman said that funding for the foreshore design would come from funds secured with the approval of the Outrigger Resort development, understood to be $300,000.
Money remaining in the "financial strategy" fund for Ettalong CBD improvement, believed to be about $260,000, would also be used.
Funds would also come from Section 94 funding, which has $1 million earmarked for the Ettalong foreshore plan and another $1 million for beaches generally.
Up to a further $600,000 funding would also be provided from the proposed Peninsula business levy, if option 3 was selected and the levy approved.
Mr Hickman said the committee was also looking at grants to help fund the foreshore design.
Mr Hickman further commented that any plans for the foreshore would need to be agreed to by the Department of Lands.
Peninsula Chamber of Commerce president Mr Matthew Wales said he believed options for the foreshore were still being considered by council.
"The early stages of working drawings are being undertaken," Mr Wales said.
"The plans will be accompanied by a full review of environmental factors when they go to public exhibition."
In relation to a timeframe for the project Mr Wales commented that there were a number of sensitive issues that still needed to be considered.
"The public exhibition is still at least several months away," Mr Wales said.
"Everybody is really frustrated that it has taken this long."
Gosford councillor and Ettalong Club general manager Mr Peter Hale said that the committee of stakeholders included representatives from the Ettalong Memorial Club, several council departments, interested councillors, the Ettalong Beach Heritage Committee and representatives of the Peninsula Chamber of Commerce
Cr Hale said that consultants, Andrews Neil, had been hired by council as the landscape architect for the foreshore.
Dunecare coordinator Mr Michael Gillian confirmed that he had been approached by the consultants for his views.
However, he was critical of the process by which the project was being undertaken.
He said he had been told that a copy of the consultants' brief was not available because it had not been prepared by the council, even though the consultant was being paid by the council.
He said the process was inappropriate.
He said the beach was a community asset, and attention should be given to ensuring that all members of the community had equal opportunity to help formulate both the guidelines for the consultant and feedback about his design.
Lyle Stone and Stuart Baumann, May 11