Pump-out should be nearer channel
I was horrified to read in your July 11, August 8 and 22 issues that an unsupervised 24-hour boat sewage pump-out is to be installed on the recreational reserve and wharf on Araluen Dr, Hardy's Bay.
Residents, their families, visitors and day trippers congregate here to enjoy the beauty and gentle water-related activities.
Do you want your family picnicking, paddling and fishing where boaties carry raw sewage and garbage for deposit in an open slophopper?
Do responsible public officials require boats to detour into a shallow, quiet bay strictly to dump sewage?
Or subject their residents and ratepayers to 24-hour engine noise and hazardous spillage?
In Gosford Council's case, the answers, sadly, are yes.
Everyone wants responsible disposal of marine sewage, but 79 per cent of 1128 local boat owners surveyed rejected the Hardy's Bay site and asked Gosford Council to locate the pump-out nearer to the channel and to other marine services and shops.
Council officials please listen to your ratepayers and residents and stop this senseless desecration of our lovely recreational and residential bay.
Ann Pederson, Hardy's Bay