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Collapse Issue 108 - 11 Jan 2005Issue 108 - 11 Jan 2005
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Board plans to use Woy Woy groundwater

The Central Coast's regional water board has approved "planning and pre-construction activities" for the use of groundwater at Woy Woy.

Gosford Council has been told that the Woy Woy project would proceed after five other schemes across the region.

The board has approved an expenditure of $5.8 million out of a total cost of $17 million.

A report to the last meeting of Gosford Council stated that the use of groundwater was not only possible for watering ovals, but that "the use of groundwater for drinking is viable as a contingency measure".

It stated the groundwater project could provide drinking water at a reasonable cost in timely manner to supplement the Central Coast's declining surface water storages.

Gosford Council resolved to class the works as emergency to enable them to be "fast tracked".

The council was told that projects costing more than $100,000 required tenders to be called, unless they were deemed to be emergency works.

Calling tenders would slow down the works, according to the report.

The current project team had built up knowledge on the projects and the project would be delayed significantly if the same individuals did not continue with the project.

Council has allocated $2.9 million from the water fund for the Groundwater Drought Contingency Plan.

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