Ferry terminal decision deferred
Gosford Council has deferred making a decision on the Fast Ferry terminal and wharf on the Ettalong foreshore.
Instead it has opted to seek further advice on the viability for lease options with certain conditions being met.
Councillors have also deferred the meeting to seek clarification on several issues including the recovery of costs to council in developing the proposal, the impact of executing the lease on any other possible operators and the question of asset ownership of the ferry terminal and facilities should the Fast Ships' venture fail.
Council has also resolved to find out if Fast Ships has secured berthing rights in Sydney or a vessel for its operations.
At the council meeting of August 23, Peninsula resident Mr Michael Gillian said he spoke on behalf of Peninsula residents "concerned with intense developer pressure to change the character of the Peninsula, and Ettalong in particular".
"My expectation of this proposal was that it would cover the advantages, the disadvantages, and what alternatives had been considered," Mr Gillian said.
"Unfortunately the document singularly fails to meet these expectations and explain how council and the community will be better off by council signing this lease.
"There are no clear advantages. "
Mr Gillian criticized the granting of a long-term lease over Crown Land to a company "that had been unable in nine years to find an operator or financial backing."
Mr Gillian stated that Fast Ships had no previous expertise or experience in operating a similar ferry service, had limited financial resources and whose last filed financial accounts contain an audit qualification relating to its "inherent uncertainty regarding continuation as a going concern"
"Finally, but most importantly, the recommendation does not address the implications raised by Fast Ship's new proposal which reports the chairman of Fast Ships as saying 'the ferry proposal is still very dependent on tourist numbers to support the operation ... a mini Cockle Bay type precinct would provide the necessary attraction for visitors to use the ferry service'," Mr Gillian said.
"This statement clarifies that a fast commuter ferry to Sydney is a non-starter without a property development play involving the assignment of some 600 metres of public foreshore and crown land to Fast Ships. "
Mr Gillian said "council should not sign a long term lease over the foreshore area" and "council should take no action on this lease request at this time."
Cr Peter Hale chose not to take part in the Fast Ferry discussion and vote at council, as he is a director and shareholder of Fast Ships Ltd.
Crs Trevor Drake, Robert Bell, Chris Holstein and Terri Latella have all requested copies of the draft lease, sub lease, and deed of agreement documents for the Fast Ferry terminal and wharf proposal.
A representative of Villa and Villa, the company designing the foreshore concept, said the company was no longer able to provide information about the project.
According to Villa and Villa architect Mr Eduardo Villa, Fast Ships had requested that Villa and Villa not release any information to the press, stating that at this current stage they wished to "keep it quiet".
Council agenda COR.13, August 23
Michael Gillian