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Collapse Issue 125 - 05 Sep 2005Issue 125 - 05 Sep 2005
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Mayor expects pool's economic benefits

Gosford mayor Cr Malcolm Brooks expects the Peninsula Leisure Centre to enhance employment opportunities and economic activity on the Central Coast for several years to come.

"We estimate that the facility will generate an additional 45 full time jobs," Cr Brooks said.

"We are currently holding interviews to employ full time staff for the facility.

"There are positions in administration, sports and fitness, marketing, lifeguards and cleaning."

Gosford Council's aquatics coordinator Mr Simon Clarke said that with only five weeks to go until the opening of the centre, some members of the local community had enjoyed a sneak preview.

"Those who have toured the $25 million dollar multi-purpose facility have done so with keen interest and enthusiasm," Mr Clarke said.

"As a regional facility, the centre will attract events such as the NSW Country Water Polo Championships which can see over 2000 visitors stay for a weekend of sport.

"Naturally, these sport tourists dine out, pay for accommodation and shop.

"This in turn will inject a significant amount of money into the local economy.

"This will aid us in the promotion of the Central Coast as an ideal location for business, investment and lifestyle.

"This encourages companies to invest and create further jobs for the area.

"Not only will the centre stimulate economic activity for the Peninsula, it will also transform the health and well-being of the area when it opens on October 1."

Mr Clarke said the centre would play a central role in ensuring that Gosford Council remained an active and socially responsible organisation.

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