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Collapse Issue 125 - 05 Sep 2005Issue 125 - 05 Sep 2005
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Council considers lodging footpath applications

Gosford Council officers have recommended that development applications be lodged for the construction of foreshore footpaths and cycleways on Woy Woy and Ettalong foreshore.

The two foreshore sections of the Gosford City Cycleway Network had previously been identified as either sensitive ecologically, of concern to local residents, or both.

A grant offer $237,000 for the Woy Woy foreshore and the preparation of a landscape plan for the Ettalong foreshore.

The grant offer was for a 3m wide shared footpath-cycleway along the Woy Woy foreshore, from Lions Park southerly to Blackwall, as an element of the NSW Coastline Cycleway Grants Program.

The Ettalong Beach landscape masterplan identified the need for a footpath and cycleway along the full length of the foreshore covered by the masterplan.

This would run from Ferry Rd to the Picnic Pd, also known as the Lance Webb Reserve section.

Development consent for the construction of the footpath and cycleway in Lance Webb Reserve would mean the footpath and cycleway project could be commenced immediately should funds become available, according to council staff.

In the report, it stated that the Woy Woy Foreshore cycleway "will provide a considerably less direct route from Woy Woy to such destinations as Umina and Ettalong Beach and hence is unlikely to be used by commuters and persons for strictly transportation purposes."

In looking at alternatives to the foreshore route, the report stated that "North Burge Rd and Burge Rd will provide generally safe on-road cycling conditions as a result of wide carriageways and low traffic volumes" however "a dedicated on road cycleway will remove the street parking enjoyed by residents fronting the street."

It also stated that the foreshore footpath and cycleway was essentially an all-weather recreational facility located in an attractive area of Woy Woy, something which it claimed was not provided along North Burge Rd and Burge Rd.

The report concluded that there was no alternative route.

It also stated that the Ettalong Beach Foreshore cycleway "will provide all-weather foreshore access in an attractive area of Ettalong Beach."

As with the Woy Woy Foreshore cycleway, the adjacent roads were not considered to be an alternative route.

The report stated that the alternative to the proposed routes was "not to actually build them in each case."

If council agreed to the development consent process then it would provide the adjacent property owners with the opportunity to review far more detailed proposals than those previously exhibited which indicated rough locations.

The report stated that this would help with questions such as environmental effect and the exact position of the footpath and cycleway relative to nearby properties.

The issue of council's share of construction funding would be addressed in a further report to council in the event development consent was received.

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