Foreshore 'gift' worth millions
It is with some concern that I am forced to support Gosford Council's resolution on Tuesday, August 23, to defer their decision to lease the Ettalong Foreshore to a consortium pushing a "commuter fast ferry wharf".
Particularly now that the "Cockle Bay" concept has floated into the public view, it has been suggested by other concerned community members that no lease at all be approved, before the commuter fast ferry is guaranteed viable.
I do not believe it is possible to guarantee viability in this matter, as tourism is a notoriously fickle business.
I am troubled that my councillors appear to be pressured from all sides to put the development cart before the horse.
Approving leases over our community's assets is not something to be done lightly.
In this case, it is 600 metres of the foreshore reserve, the development of which will destroy historic views from shore to seaward and from visiting vessels to shore.
This gifting of foreshore to a small group of speculators will certainly result in the obliteration of views and public amenity.
The only basis for this public affront is to attract outside money for the pursuit of something which is a known dog hiding a hidden agenda.
I call for no further negotiations with Fast Ships who stand to gain millions in share value should councillors gift control of our Crown land to a private venture.
The current environmental degradation of the Ettalong Foreshore neglected for so long is our real priority and should be addressed as such.
Ed James, Umina