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Appalling excuse

The Howard Government is hiding behind the AWB's company status arguing that it only has remote oversight over its business operations.

Although this is a dishonest excuse, the disaster would then the direct result of its failed small government and privatisation philosophy.

The remedy here is not to create more wheat export companies but, instead, to bring the AWB back under direct Government control.

For the Howard government to argue now that it served the nation because, after all, the ABW managed to sell the wheat, is appalling.

At what price to the nation?

Either way this Government deserves to be sacked.

The mismanagement is gross.

What is the mechanism whereby the Parliament can now pass a motion of no confidence in this Government and force new elections?

What is the Opposition doing to find a majority, either in the House of Representatives or the Senate, to stop this Government?

Will the ALP reverse its strange opposition to blocking Supply?

Is it talking to dissident National Party and Liberal Party MPs in country seats whose concern about the wheat scandal rightly must be enormous?

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