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Signs for U-turns

Gosford Council has resolved to signpost a U-turn facility on Burge Rd, Woy Woy, with No Stopping restrictions south of house number 318 to ensure turning manoeuvres for heavy vehicles.

The decision has come after a resident of Burge Rd asked council's traffic committee to investigate the lack of on-street parking due to new roadworks.

Resident Mr Pichereau said that prior to its closure at Blackwall Rd, he parked vehicles on the grassed area behind the kerb.

Mr Pichereau said that the closure of the street and the provision of a U-turning area had eliminated that area.

A traffic committee report had stated that the design had provided four 15-minute and three unrestricted angle parking spaces at the closure.

Gosford Council has also resolved to advise Mr Pichereau of the availability of unrestricted angle parking near the shop.

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