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Wind will blow dunes away

Mayor Maher's remarks conflict with years of foreshore plans and public discussion on local radio and in community meetings.

Edition 134 of our community access Peninsula News carried a media release which seem to ignore diagrams and other information put before ratepayers in Council's agendas and other publications.

Dunes on Ettalong Beach will not be affected in foreshore redevelopment?

What Greenspace is funded by the State's $60,000 then?

The three walkways proposed through the "last remaining dunes" will remove three swathes of thick sand-retaining growth from the only area as yet not being degraded by wind action.

Five percent of the remaining sand dunes gone, but the changes don't stop there, with an ambitious shared zone including a section of The Esplanade.

Furthermore the reliance of an expression "improvement of sight lines" by development-driven factions should be challenged as something tree vandals do. Anyone who wishes to retain what little is left of our natural resources at the entrance to the Brisbane Waters should get it together.

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