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Poets attend workshop

Pearl Beach residents Jillian Telford and Beverley George attended a poetry workshop at Wollongong from January 11 to 19.

Both women had to apply to attend the event which provided "enthusiasm from like-minded people and was an amazing stimulant to keep writing," said Jillian.

The workshop was run by Ron Pretty and the Poetry Australia Foundation.

It was an eight-day intensive poetry workshop, consisting of 46 poets from around Australia and five tutors,

All five tutors were prize-winning Australian poets.

This is the eighth consecutive year that these workshops have been held at the East campus of Wollongong University.

All poets who attended will have samples of their work, from the workshop, published in an anthology.

This anthology will be published by Five Island Press.

The workshops are open for established poets from around Australia and are advertised by the Poetry Australia Foundation.

Six other poets have also been chosen to have their work published in separate books, based on manuscripts presented to organisers before the commencement of the workshop.

These special six writers will be given scholarships from the Poetry Australia Foundation, Australian Council and Five Island Press.

Beverley George writes haiku and other Japanese forms of poetry.

Ms George produces Yellow Moon magazine, and last year won two awards.

The awards were the WB Yates Poetry prize for Australia and New Zealand and the Vera Newsom Poetry Prize.

Ms George also has a children's book, published by Blake Education, coming out this month.

"The workshops at Wollongong were stimulating, and it was great to meet with poets from all over Australia," Ms George said.

Jillian Telford is the President of the Central Coast Poets Incorporated (Inc) and is currently running the Henry Kendall Poetry Award, which closes on the March 10.

Anyone wishing to enter this competition can send entries to PO Box 780, Woy Woy, 2256 or contact Jillian Telford on 4342 0476.

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