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Many come for beach without dogs

I continue to be confronted, disturbed and appalled at the site of people exercising dogs on and off leash on Ocean Beach and Umina Beach in the flagged area and in other parts of the beach in the designated dog-free zone.

In recent months, I have visited the beach in the dog-free zone several times a week.

Each time I have seen, and often spoken to people walking dogs.

I am polite and offer information or a friendly remark.

I often say "Lucky the dog inspectors aren't here today", or "Do you realise you are risking a fine for bringing that dog / those dogs into this area?"

I don't mind dog owners or people exercising dogs as long as they keep to the very generous areas of the beach allocated to dogs.

Some people carry their dogs into the ocean with bathers - adults and children.

Many throw sticks or balls into the ocean for their dogs to fetch.

It may be fun, but not for swimmers and others who come to our beautiful beach environment to enjoy the surf and sand without dogs.

Most people don't bring dogs to the beach.

Some do.

Of those who do bring dogs, most seem not to care or plead ignorance.

Don't they care about the clean, quiet environment we come to enjoy?

Don't they care about other beach users?

Don't they care about the fines?

It seems not.

Or are these people ignorant of the laws and regulations about the dog-free zones on our beaches?

If so, who is responsible to educate them and inform them?

I suggest our council is responsible for the education and information of all residents and visitors.

The current signage is clearly not sufficient.

Most of the entrances to these beaches don't have signage, or it is not clearly visible.

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