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Free community calendar

Peninsula News is offering readers a free full-colour Peninsula 2006 calendar.

The Peninsula Community Calendar captures the sights of the Peninsula, celebrates our immediate environment and recognises organisations and groups within the community.

The calendar displays local schools, waterways, beaches, sporting groups, arts and crafts organisations and local parks in full colour, A4 photographs.

Not only does the calendar show off the talent of local photographer Sonny Hinwood, but it provides vital information to the public.

Readers will find contact numbers for general services, hospitals, transport, local clubs, helplines and emergency services.

Gosford Council assisted in the cost of production of the calendar.

To pick up a free calendar, visit the office of Peninsula News at 2a Kateena Ave, Tascott (opposite railway station).

Alternatively, send a $1 stamped, A4 envelope that contains your return address to PO Box 532, Woy Woy, 2256.

Please ring ahead to ensure availability of calendars on 4325 7369.

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   Copyright © 2006 Peninsula Community Access Newspaper Inc