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Views sought on Australia Day

Community views are being sought about Australia Day activities on the Peninsula.

A survey is currently being undertaken for the Woy Woy Australia Day Committee about whether celebrations should be held on Australian Day itself or on the previous night.

This year, Australia Day celebrations were held on the night before Australia Day, where in previous years, the celebrations had been held on the day itself.

The change to the night before came about because there were already two major celebrations happening in Gosford on the day and the night time celebration avoided competing with them, according to committee member Mr Cec Bucello.

The night-time event was cooler and activities such as fireworks could take place.

"It is understood, however, that there may be some people on the Peninsula that may still want the event to be held on the day itself."

Readers may complete a survey form on this page and return it before June 25 for consideration at the next Australia Day Committee meeting.

Additional committee members are being sought by the committee to help share the work of organising the event.

Anyone willing to help should indicate accordingly on the survey form.

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