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Collapse Issue 459 - 03 Dec 2018Issue 459 - 03 Dec 2018
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Lessons focus on cyber safety and responsibility

Woy Woy Public School has been focusing its Positive Behaviour for Learning lessons around cyber safety and responsibility.

"Teachers have been discussing with students how to be responsible when using computers and devices," said principal Ms Ona Buckley.

"Lessons have focused on the importance of being careful not to damage hardware, only using applications that the teacher has directed students to use and only visiting websites that are relevant to the work students have been asked to do.

"Students have also been taught about the importance of telling a teacher or a parent if they accidentally open an inappropriate webpage.

"On a related note, the school has spoken with a number of students and parents this year about inappropriate cyber interactions on social media websites and when playing online games.

"We strongly recommend that if you decide to allow your child to access and use these forums, you encourage them to report any negative comments they receive to you, or better still, that you regularly monitor their interactions," Ms Buckley said.

"We are increasingly finding that children of primary school age don't have the requisite life experience to enable them to deal appropriately with conflicts that arise on social media and gaming platforms," she said.

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