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Collapse Issue 459 - 03 Dec 2018Issue 459 - 03 Dec 2018
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Take collective action now to reduce global warming

The home owners' meeting at Davistown RSL on November 24 declared it was not organised to discuss climate change, but in effect aired concerns on the perceived effects of climate change on their coastal private property.

In their opinion, they do not feel supported or adequately involved in government decision-making in relation to handling coastal hazards and are left to face the consequences in what they see as a proposed government policy of planned retreat as articulated in the NSW Coastal Management Act, rather than building resilience to climate change impacts.

Whether this is a fair representation or not of our current government thinking, I think climate change will affect us all as Australians, no matter where we live and I think we need to focus our energy at this point in time not so much as on our own particular piece of turf or sand, but in electing governments who recognise the threat now and who are prepared to take action now collectively, to reduce global warming so that we do not face catastrophic temperature rises with all the environmental consequences that will accompany global warming.

We have an opportunity in coming state and federal elections in 2019 to have our voices heard.

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