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Collapse Issue 459 - 03 Dec 2018Issue 459 - 03 Dec 2018
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Signs to be replaced on Woy Woy Bay Rd

Central Coast Council has responded to requests from the Bays Community Group for road signage around the Bays.

Bays Community Group president, Ms Cathy Gleeson said missing signs will be replaced and another upgraded.

"Following on from our Bays Community Group meeting held on October 17, I wrote to Central Coast Council on issues raised by residents," said.

"One was the missing No Stopping signs on Woy Woy Bay Rd, as well as a request for a more visible Give Way sign as you enter Woy Woy Bay Rd.

"Council staff were swift in their response and have carried out investigations and will be replacing the missing signage as well as upgrading the sign as you enter Woy Woy Bay," Ms Gleeson said.

"Another issue raised at the meeting by various residents was the number of empty Council bins being left on Woy Woy Bay Rd, well after Council had completed its weekly pickups.

"Their concerns were due to restricted parking and access into Woy Woy Bay, with large trucks and the regular bus service sometimes experiencing problems manoeuvring around the bins out on both sides of the road, as well as it looking unsightly," Ms Gleeson said.

"If residents could please be mindful of this situation, and return their bins to their properties after collection, it would be very much appreciated by all residents.

"I also revisited with Council the issue of the Woy Woy Bay Public Jetty, asking for an update on the rectification work to the piers that are in very poor condition.

"This jetty is the designated evacuation point for residents in the case of a fire emergency, which many residents have had to experience in the past.

"This is still ongoing," Ms Gleeson said.

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