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Collapse Issue 459 - 03 Dec 2018Issue 459 - 03 Dec 2018
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Another roundabout - no, no, no, no, no, no

Matthew Wales, Central Coast Council and the NSW State Government: No, no, no, no, no, no.

The last thing we need on the Peninsula is another damn roundabout.

It has been shown time and again that roundabouts simply do not work in this country because, quite frankly, few people in this country - and this includes the Peninsula - know how to use them correctly.

A case in point: Try exiting Wellington St onto Ocean Beach Rd and see how you go.

Every day there are near misses as drivers refuse to obey the road rules.

I am sick and tired of nearly getting cleaned up by ignorant motorist approaching this roundabout from Ocean Beach Rd heading south while hurtling through at warp speed as they believe they have right of way.

They do not.

This road rule was abolished many years ago and yet, to many motorists, this "rule" still exists.

As it stands, there is at Maitland Bay Dr and Picnic Pde a very good right hand turning lane which works very well.

Why change it?

A roundabout here would create a build-up of traffic along Picnic Pde right back to Ettalong Beach shopping centre, just as the ill-conceived traffic lights at the intersection of McMasters Rd and Ocean Beach Rd have caused.

It is damn near impossible to exit right out of Dunban Rd because traffic mostly south bound continues to block access to traffic from Dunban Rd.

Prior to these lights going in, it was a relatively easy to make that right hand turn.

It isn't anymore.

And as for the projected $7 million dollars (and you can bet, knowing state governments and councils, that the real costs will be at least double that figure-as it always is) to build the damn thing, someone is kidding aren't they?

I would be amazed if this thing could not be built for under $500,000 surely?

Can I suggest this $7 million be used to build new desperately needed footpaths.

Walk down just about any west bound street off Ocean Beach Rd armed with both a stroller and a mobile scooter to see how young mothers and the handicapped struggle with cars zooming past only inches from them.

A roundabout at Maitland Bay Dr and Picnic Pde?

This would have to be one of the dumbest decisions ever.

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