No stopping in Lurline St
Gosford Council has resolved to install No Stopping signs on both sides of Lurline St, Ettalong.
The decision was made after Ettalong Beach Public School asked the Council to install the signs.
The school wanted the signs in Lurline St on the southern side of the Bourke Rd intersection to alleviate congestion and safety concerns.
A council staff investigation revealed that vehicles were often parked on both sides of Lurline St, south of Bourke Rd, within the statutory 10 metre No Stopping restriction at intersections, causing unnecessary congestion at the intersection.
The Council has also agreed to extend existing No Parking signs on school days between 8 and 9:30am and 2:30 and 4pm on the northern side of Uligandi St, Ettalong, for nine metres west of Ettalong Public School's road crossing.
The school had asked for a review of the No Parking (School Zone times) restrictions on the northern side of Uligandi St extending westerly from the school crossing.
The extension will ensure unobstructed access for waste service vehicles using the driveway at the rear of the school.
Council Agenda, TR.11.33, TR.11.35, 5 Jul 2011