Erosion study at Patonga
The Community Environment Network has received funding to conduct an erosion study at Patonga Creek.
The study involves measuring the rate of erosion at several locations using stainless steel pins.
The project will also provide information to local residents on what plants aren't suitable along the creek and in gardens and will run a workshop to demonstrate how to eradicate them.
The workshop will be held on Saturday, July 30, from 9:30am to 12pm, and will be followed with a weed of the month campaign to remove asparagus fern from the Patonga area in the month of August.
"Asparagus fern forms large clumps which can completely cover the ground layer inhibiting the germination of native species," said Network project officer Ms Jennifer Dwarte.
"It is easily spread by birds that eat the numerous berries and dispel the seed over large areas.
"Participants will also receive two free local native plants suitable for gardens in Patonga.
"The plants will provide connectivity of native vegetation between the creek and residences and will enhance the natural habitat of their garden for fauna," said Ms Dwarte.
Media Release, 6 Jul 2011
Jennifer Dwarte, CEN