Completely browned off?
Bruce Hyland questions my supposition about Lao Tse and high-rise.
Quite rightly so, my pueblo Indian spirit guide can't get anything from him at all.
It appears Lao Tse is completely browned off with the works of mankind.
That's why he disappeared in the first place.
The only reason we have his words, so the story goes, is that a gate keeper handcuffed him to a post until he wrote a few words on paper, then he was let go on his loner way.
I'm inclined to think he wouldn't like high rise, or any of man's endeavors.
High rise can be spiritual, look at the grand cathedrals and the pyramids, but the residential and commercial high rise can be, in the eye of the beholder, ugly, and as they say these days, rather in your face.
Email, 15 Jun 2011
Keith Whitfield, Woy Woy