Student holds event to break the barriers
A free event featuring live entertainment, dance lessons and lawn bowls will be held at Woy Woy Everglades Country Club on Sunday, July 10.
The event will be held from 1pm to 4pm and is part of Retrospective, a project by Kincumber High Year 11 student Abigail Dixon.
Abigail said Retrospective was aimed at breaking the barrier between generations and removing stereotypes of young people and older generations.
"It is a non-profit and no-cost event purely to benefit the community," she said.
The event will feature "older-style music and bands, dance classes, fashion swap and perhaps lawn bowls-shared between people of all ages to escape stereotypes".
"It is beneficial for both generations."
Abigail is undertaking the project as part of a youth leadership development program, Max Potential, offered by the Country Club through ClubsNSW.
The program aims to connect community leaders with emerging young leaders, providing personal leadership coaching to young people aged 16 to 25.
"This will be the perfect opportunity for me to prove to myself my progress and the influence Max Potential has had on me," said Abigail.
"With the help of my amazing coach, I'm sure that my community service project will be a success and emotional journey, which will lead to more success and happiness in my future.
"Max Potential is a truly brilliant program that all youth should encounter.
"Not only is it a free program, it provides life-long lessons to be carried off into the future and helps us to combat any issues that need resolving," she said.
"I get a personal coach, all to myself, who I can trust and who guides me towards success in my life.
"It is really comforting; knowing that I have the support to fulfill my dreams and help myself become the best person that I can be.
"Our lessons are based on values and focuses on personal weaknesses and strengths."
Abigail said the program used the word maximisers as an acronym of the principles of leadership.
"They help mark out my perspectives and encourage optimism, rather than having self-doubt and pessimism."
Email, 13 Jun 2011
Abigail Dixon, Kincumber