Business zones retained and upgraded
Gosford Council has supported the retention or upgrading of business zones at neighbourhood centres around the Peninsula as part of its adoption of its new planning scheme.
A request to upgrade the zoning of four lots at the rear of Umina Mall to B1 was included in the Local Environment Plan, adopted on May 31.
The rezoning would facilitate the redevelopment of the site with a large general store, medical centre and refurbished shops, (which had previously been approved by the council?).
According to the Council staff report, the "dLEP 2009 proposed a restriction on neighbourhood shops of 100 square metres.
However, the "general store" supported by council was 10 times larger than this.
A submission was also lodged by the Wagstaffe to Killcare Community Association, asking that existing 3(a) land that has not been developed for commercial or retail purposes in Hardys Bay-Killcare and Wagstaffe be rezoned to residential.
The submission also requested the reinstatement of Minor Business Centres Policy due to the scale of buildings, loss of amenity, inconsistency with character, and no further need for retail and business services in the locality.
Around 40 letters were received supporting the Association.
Council decided to retain the zone "to allow future opportunities for non-residential uses to serve the local community".
Council Agenda ENV.35, 31 May 2011